We collaborate to form strong strategies and successful labor contracts. No matter the size of your business, we advocate and represent your needs at the table. We have a history of negotiating successful and fair Collective Bargaining Agreements.
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Negotiation Process
Each negotiation period follows the same timeline and steps. View our infographic to learn more about the milestones for Collective Bargaining Agreements.
Learn about labor and management committees, how decisions are made, and what your rights and responsibilities are during CBA negotiations.
Collective Bargaining Agreements govern the terms and conditions of employment between our contractor members and the District Council 16 workforce. This association represents companies and management during negotiations in the same way the union represents its members. We represent the collective interests of our entire contractor membership, and our expertise enables us to negotiate successful and fair Collective Bargaining Agreements.
We advocate throughout the range of negotiation periods, from preparing for Collective Bargaining and gathering member input, through the application of the Agreement. We encourage our contractor members to be involved and we actively work to represent our members’ business goals.
Signatory contractors who have signed an Active Member Application with the Association are eligible for elevated negotiations representation and support. To check on your status as an Active Member, or to become an Active Member, contact Jeannie Simpelo.
Get clarity on CBA FAQs, like Designated Days Off, Scope of Work, Travel Time, Subsistence, and other wage-related questions.
NCGMA Negotiation Committee Legal FAQ
The information included in this document has been provided and approved by NCAT’s legal counsel, to ensure accuracy. This information is accurate as of March 1, 2020. Our aim is to provide clarity and guidance during this negotiations period.
It’s important to note that information regarding bylaws, dates and other policies are subject to change in the future as they are amended.